dimarts, 10 de juliol del 2012

Melancholia or why I prefer Monty Python

I am writing this note while watching the film Melancholia from Lars Von Trier. With a superb cast and brilliant performances, I honestly say I find the film impressing and with huge good ideas...but utterly boring, the first part at least. And that's what's puzzling me. I am torn between the idea that the racist danish is a genius and that he is just mocking everyone.

The film is about Melancholia. Melancholia is, in the film, an enormous planet that slowly but relentless advances towards Earth. And the film shows three different reactions to that fact embodied in three characters: The vision of Science, amused by the fact but useless in the matters of the soul; the vision of Survival, afraid by what could represent the end of life but finally accepting it as part of life itself, and the egocentric vision, too self centered although right, to care.

And actually, Melancholia in real life could be defined as that: the feeling that could emerge when we realize that death is inevitable and we grief over spilled milk.

Well, of course, he has to pin point the fact that he is that good, so there are scenes that make no sense and are useless, but the visual power of certain scenes remind me of Kubrick and Dali altogether, so here's to you, Lars!

So, good idea, good images a second part extremely better than the first but Lars, you are a nihilist aren't you? yes, opinions are like butts but, come on...Don't you remember that Hope will be for always be inside of Pandora's box?

Or maybe it's just me...but I prefer the end of Life Of Brian! Iconoclastic all the same but...Always look on the bright side of life mate!

dimecres, 20 de juny del 2012

Snowhite and the Huntsman and Charlize

Last Saturday I went to see Snowhite and the Huntsman....yes, I know, ok! Well, enough, let me tell you why I had a tiny little hope for this film. I have always like myths and stories, fairy tales. I like them because they are always valid, their stories reflect the fact that mankind has not changed much in 5000 years...

Ok, nice excuse, isn't it? So, here I am, convinced that for worst that the film could be, Grimm's work would always be there and say...hei! remember, it isn't that bad...well, maybe I didn't hear it.

Clearly the  screenwriter did his best to put up to date the story. That means in our nowadays standard a love triangle between our beloved and suffering Snowhite, the Prince, excuse me, the son of the Duke (ok!) and the widowed Huntsman.

Let's decorticate this, a priori, interesting triangle. Well, duet, because, let's face it, the "Prince" is just there to justify the triangle. His role is null, no presence, no big scene, no nothing. There is a scene with an apple in a forest where I am thinking well, maybe here they have done the twist...but no, of course not. The movie would be the same without the "Prince".

The Huntsman, ah! The Huntsman. Chris Hemsworth, the actor forever associated to Thor, the God Of Thunder that here changed hammer for axe. Chris, stay with Thor, sincerelly. You neither seem depressed nor drunk for a character who is both. Ok, I know, an actor must live and I would do the same for a chance of catching but a glimpse of Charlize Theron bathing in milk, but...well, yes I understand you. Respect!

The Princess, Snowhite, transformed into Princess Mononoke...yes, guys, it is too evident! Our Princess lost her parents, her Stepmother is a beautiful but horrible being and...bla bla bla...but Kirsten, there is something I think everytime I watch one of your movies... being worried and sad does not mean that you always have to look like you are constipated!!

Besides those three, of course the evil Stepmother is there, but well, she is actually not that bad, well she is but it is not entirely her fault, as she is a kind of a Jack Nicholson from the Shining trapped in the past...weird, I know. But as I said before, it is Charlize Theron. Yes, that's the real reason why I am in the cinema, to see the milk bath...and what happens? She goes in, she goes out and covered in milk..a close look at her face with her eyes closed and as you wait for those cold eyes to kill you....the scene is cut there!! Really? Come on guys, really? I could say as well that the dwarves are...well, they are there. But by the time they appear I am looking at my watch and asking why the hell I am here...ah, Charlize!

So, with the main character of Twillight as Princess and combat style as boring as Hunger Games,  you have a Big Mac for teenagers. Not to mention the fact that that any possible chemistry between our beloved Snowhite and either of her pretenders smells like, to put in scholar words, methane. Not even Charlize can save it, but! it is not her fault!

Dear readers, if any may be, may this critic help you or better, makes a smile wake upon your face!

Until next time!